Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Weekend of April 6th, 2007

Games Played: Marvel Ultimate Alliance (X360), Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (X360), bit Generations: Dotstream (GBA)

Movies Watched: The Good Shepard, The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. (TV on DVD)

Worked towards achievements in MUA and DOAX2. I gave up on DOAX2 really fast. Man it takes awhile.

Dotstream is pretty amazing. Its a racing game from an overhead perspective that uses simple lines and blocks to create the action. The sound and music is quite good, capturing the best of the gameboy/NES days. It is also VERY hard.

The Good Shepard was quite long but a solid effort and served as an entertaining thriller but an excellent character study. The ending plot elements were a bit contrived and unnecessary but I guess most audiences need that kind of conflict to enjoy a movie.

Brisco is a huge amount of fun. The limited budget of the show is pretty evident in most scenes but the strength of the characters more than bears the weight of the show. They don't make TV like this anymore.

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