Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April 12th, 2007

Games Played: Boom Boom Rocket! (XBLA)

I may have played something else, but I don't really remember. BBR is awesome, awesome. It's just another rhythm game really, but the presentation is just amazing. You set off fireworks in tune to remixed classical music (1812 Overture, Ride of the Valkyries, et all) over a city skyline. How close you get to the beat the bigger the firework explosions. You can also unlock special "fireworks" that pop in the image of various things (hearts, ufos, cherries) that mix up the scenery. It's done by the same people who did the now famous Geometry Wars and the presentation really shows. It also has a visualizer mode where you can watch the fireworks to your MP3s or CDs. Well worth the $10 it costs.

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