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Yes, technology (and in particular communication via technology) dehumanizes interaction in most media. And, yes, dehumanizing interaction removes at lot of potential for a higher level of communication (e.g. kindness, understanding, compassion, whatever); but, no, there will be no revolution. It will not be televised. People are, were, and will always be dicks. It's just the relative obfuscation of the internet enables a much greater opportunity to indulge.
His points on business are sound, and valid, but unfortunately do not address the true target of business: the shareholder. So long as the stock price goes up, and not down, the stockholders have virtually no stake at all in if they're hiring good-ole' boys from the breadbasket of America or trained monkeys. But I think we can all agree that's tremendously shortsighted for economy at all scales (personal, national, global). Distribution of wealth is the bulwark for any real, long-term, sustainable economic growth regardless on if it's aligned to some sort of moral compass.
But, whatever, I'm still looking forward to Too Human. I'm such a fucking loot whore I'm sure I'll love it no matter what. I've turned back on Diablo 2 again after the big Diablo III announcement. I don't understand all the complaints over graphics; it could have been in ASCII and I would have been salivating.
On another note, I recently rewatched Scorsese's Gangs of New York. It's a damn effort to get past the whole Cameron Dias thing, but I think I enjoyed it quite a bit more than I did the first time I watched it. The whole ritualistic elements around the so-called "gangs" was undeniably cool. People who actually like the Boondock Saints should watch that shit for an exercise in how to properly do bloodshed in the name of papal advancement.
What was new to me on this viewing was one of the special features I hadn't checked out. Discovery did a one-off on the "real" gangs of New York. Thrown cleavers and shitty accents aside, Scorsese wasn't that off base on the actual events. Even down to gangs called "Dead Rabbits" and "Bowery Boys". Anyone who is going to revisit that film is best served by checking out that feature as well.
I did recently get around to watching Control too. Sadly, I never knew that Ian Curtis actually had a kid. I need to read up on the whole story there. Regardless, the movie was excellent and painted the whole "tragic, tortured artist" canvas in some original ways. Needless to say that getting some from a hot French/Ukranian chick who is enamored with you wouldn't be high on my list of suicidal influences, but, whatever. He wrote New Dawn Fades and that process alone would have probably had me dropping the proverbial toaster into the tub.
Lastly I'll add that I haven't been keeping up with my Wii Fit but I have been keeping up with real working out at the gym. I'm now starting on my third month of regularly going. Now, when I judge morbidly obese people, I can at least do so without eating crow. It still makes me a pretty crappy person, but not a hypocrite.
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