Tuesday, May 8, 2007

May 8th, 2007

Games Played: SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters DS (DS), Catan (XBLA), Tony Hawk's Project 8 (X360)

Movies Watched: Deja-Vu

Games Bought: NRA Gun Club ($9.99) [PS2], One Piece: Grand Battle ($9.99) [GCN], One Piece: Pirates Carnival ($9.99) [GCN], Puzzle Challenge: Crosswards & More! ($4.99) [PS2], Gunpey ($9.99) [PSP], Pac Man World Rally ($9.99) [PSP], M&M's Break 'Em ($19.99) [DS]


[All NES]1942, Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing, Bad Street Brawler, Bee 52, Big Nose the Caveman, Danny Sullivans Indy Heat, Dragon Warrior (Complete), Duck Tales (Complete), F-117A Stealth Fighter, Fisher Price: I Can Remember, Jaws (Complete), John Elways Quarterback, The Karate Kid (w/box), Legend of Zelda x2 (Complete), Life Force (w/box), The Lone Ranger, Mike Tysons Punch Out, Peter Pan & The Pirates, Rally Bike, Silent Service (Complete), Terminator 2, Top Players Tennis, Zelda II (Complete) - $86.76 shipped

[Saturn] X-Men – Children of Atoom (Complete), [N-Gage] Rayman 3 (New), Crash Nitro Cart (New), Marcel Desailly Pro Soccer (New), MLB Slam (New), Bomberman (New), Ashen (New) - $50.00 shipped

First off. This collecting thing needs to stop. I'm spending too much damn money. Sadly, I've got my eye on a ton of Saturn imports. Oh lordy.

SNK vs Capcom is bad. Still as bad as I said. But I can't stop playing it. I need help.

Tony Hawk 8 is a LOT harder than any one before it. Some of the harder goals are brutal. I'll beat it, no doubt, but the 100% thing is NOT going to happen. I don't have it in me.

Catan is fantastic of course. I've actually played some random pick-up-games online with great success. It'll be in rotation for a long time.

Last, I need to post more...

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